September 5, 2012

First Day of School...Yippee!

School is starting for us here in the Puget Sound Area today. Some of you may be jealous as you've been in class for a few weeks. Your first tests of the year may even be behind you at this point, but don't fret. Remember that next June when your summer is well underway, we will still be in the classroom.
With school in full swing that means it is time for me to go to work, writing in earnest. No more "Mom, can you?" "Mom, can I?" "Mom, can we?" All those things that break one's concentration and intrerrupt the writing muse. I'm so excited! I love my children but I love writing too!
First WIP to get my attention is Talisman: Crisscross in Time. This is a Time-travel romance and depending on the publisher/editor input, the first of a Trilogy or Series.
After that? That will depend on publishers and contracts.

So here's sending my schooled best wishes to you. Enjoy your school season whether learning or working and hopefully both! Feel free to share what you are learning.

1 comment:

Donna K. Weaver said...

My kids deal with college now, for which I'm glad.

Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...