December 28, 2012



Dark Days of Promise Excerpt

It took several minutes for me to realize I wasn't prepared for a winter emergency. I'd brought nothing, not even my wallet, but I had remembered to tuck my driver's license in my back pocket. Evaluating my options and taking into account the lack of any wind, which would cause hypothermia to set in, I had two choices. I could stay put and take the chance of freezing to death...not an exciting proposition. My second choice to get out of the car, make it to the road, and start walking seemed somewhat better. Both would be cold and uncomfortable. I have never been one to wait on fate, so I chose the latter option. I, dummy (my less-than-favorite name for myself.) You're more apt to open the door to danger, inviting it into the warm comfort of your home on the darkest of nights.

Well, I never claimed to be brilliant!

December 26, 2012


December 26th

Dark Days of Promise Excerpt

The last thread of thought spurned me to action. My muscles trembled as I placed my hands on the couch, pushing myself to a sitting position. I half expected him to attack me again.

When he didn't touch me, I scooted into my corner of the couch.

"You were out for a couple minutes. I'm..." He swallowed, feigned a cough, and forced a hint of a smile before piercing me with his gaze. "You're sure you're okay?"

I gave a quick nod, no more.

"If you're sure."

I wasn't sure of anything except this wasn't a dream, and I was alive.

He stood and walked toward the front door with his slight limp. There he stopped, "I shouldn't have come here...I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry...I'll let myself out."

The door closed without a sound on his retreating form, shutting out the cold. Shutting out the danger. Shutting me inside the imagined safety of my home. A shiver traced its way up my back, confirming each nerve remained intact. My fingers braved the vast expanse from the couch to my throat. Shaking, they retreated to my lap. I slumped into the empty warmth of the couch as hot tears of relief stung my checks.

Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...