October 19, 2013


That was a quick turnaround! Harlequin (Corina Press) doesn't want Her Promise.
Good news though. They invited me to submit any future Romance I may write.

October 17, 2013

WIP Update

It's been a busy week and with a few unexpected changes to my baby, the biggest being her name.
You've read the announcements, but this one is the final (until a publisher adds their two cents.) The title she went to the publishers with is Her Promise. Why have I finally settled on this title, you ask? Because it is all about the protagonist's promise made and kept at great sacrifice.

October 14, 2013

Sizzle Non-kiss Style Part 3

"Close your eyes and trust me."
She gazed at the controlled smoldering of his eyes before she allowed her eyelids to slide shut. With his fingers spread wide, he placed his hands on her hips. A moment later he held her buttocks. His hands roamed up her back. With his left hand at her back, he caressed her arm with his right. His caress didn't stop there but continued up her arm to her neck. His touch continued feather like as his fingers traced around her ear, along her jaw bone, each of her lips, across her cheek, up to the outer edge of her eye and back to her ear. At the same time his warm breath marked the same path pausing at her lips.

Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...