July 1, 2014

Mantras for my Birthday

While working on my Trilogy (yes, it will be available soon), I realized that one character uses a mantra to help another. It got me thinking about the "mantas" that I subconsciously chat to myself throughout the day. I'm sure you use them to. The question is: Are our 'self-mantras' a disability or a strength? I spent most of my walk (the part I managed before my walking buddy arrived) considering my mantras. I was stunned at the loathing reflected in one or two. What? you say, Shaunna loathes herself? Well, I'd like to say, "not so!" But…the evidence was clear and lest I derail my positivity, which I am trying to 'grow', I'll not share those negative mantras because they are along the lines of what most of us do every time we look in a mirror and don't like what we see.
Time for positives here and I will do so by sharing some of my 'new' mantras which you are welcome to copy and use.
Looking in the mirror, I say out loud with conviction (Don't laugh, this may be harder for you than you think, I know the first time it took me awhile,) "I honestly and completely love who I am now."
I can't take the credit for that one, a friend shared it from her hypnotherapy class, noting that a few of the attendees really struggled with doing this with a hand held mirror passed around the room. One was even in tears as she passed the mirror more than twice.
Therefore, I am creating my own mantras and as part of my self esteem, I share them here.
I am beautiful.
I feel creative today.
I feel happy, healthy, and strong.
                I feel comfortable in my skin.
                I feel full of energy.
                I feel in control of my body.
                I feel my belly melting away.
I kiss my belly fat good bye.
Maybe sharing these will help another. Such is my Birthday wish.

June 29, 2014

Arizona Dreamin'

Proof that I do leave the house.
I must admit to not getting to know all four of these young men, but those I spent time with are sweethearts! Please feel free to visit my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/shaunna.s.gonzales  for more photos. Sorry, no more of the guys, they are available for photo ops for book cover art. If you want a photo I suggest visiting https://www.facebook.com/groups/520294174735963/

Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...