February 2, 2015

Say No to Winter Weight Gain

The holiday season plays only a small role in the ups and downs of fitness. In fact, the majority of winter weight gain is due to exercising less. While joining a gym (or setting up a home gym) isn't a bad idea, doing so is not for everyone, especially me.
A dear friend recently enlisted her friends to set-up a way to be more accountable. I think it is a great idea and my previous post, shared by another new friend really spurned me to find my own way to be more accountable.

So my plan is this: In the coming days I will engage in a new fitness task, try it out seriously for five days to see if my health will allow me to incorporate it long term and whether I can do it or not. 
Let's be honest, I don't like to exercise and I blame it on my Multiple Sclerosis (MS), but I don't hurt all the time now so... It is time to see if I can reclaim a better quality of life. Granted, I'm not terribly overweight but I am extremely out of shape from the core muscles to my fingers and toes (okay so I do walk--some, and I type--a lot) but you get my gist.

Little of no equipment required..YES!!!

Worried about failing? Not so much. Remember, most living with MS are immobile. I can walk and climb stairs. I won't promise to report on my progress (yes, I will try to remember), but if you are really curious, you are welcome to leave a comment and ask. I will be brutally honest when it comes to what I accomplish--even if it embarrasses me. Okay, now I'm scared.

Check back to see what I'm endeavoring to do each week...I'll post my new exercise on Mondays so I have the whole week to groan or learn to love it!

Overall goal: a comprehensive full-body workout:

February 2-7 
Push-ups I'm told these are perfect for toning the chest, triceps and shoulders. I'm not ready for the standard military push-up, or even doing them from my knees, so I will use my kitchen bar to lean into.

This one I know I can do. I'll return and report on Friday. Well see if I can push it to 2 sets of 30... Wish me luck!

Updated February 4th.
Push-ups are going great with 3 sets of 20. -Not exactly what I had in mind (3 sets of 25) but I'm a lot closer than I thought!
Squats are something i used to do a lot of in ballet class, well, kinda sorta with ple-as (Don't know how to spell that rascal). Pushing it to 3 sets of 35 before my legs threaten to dump me on the floor but I managed after completing the first two exercises to still have a small bit of energy so I did 
Leg Lifts! I didn't plan on adding them this early but although they were few (2 sets of 5), I did them!

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Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...