"Don't try to write *the* book. Just write *a* book." ~Julie Berry
This statement in her key note speech last night spoke to me. I've allowed the pressure and expectation of *the* book--the one book that will change everything, the special book. . . the perfect book--to actually paralyze my writing. When she said this I realized what I had been doing, and I suddenly felt a wave of freedom. And, for the first time in months, I wanted to start working on my book again.
Maybe that was the difference. It went from being *the* book to *my* book last night, and I am filled with a newfound enthusiasm and joy! - Michelle Wilson
I love the way this was expressed. and I can't agree more. I know Michelle has several books released. they are good books in their own rights. One of them sits here on my desk, half-read. Don't worry, I'll get to it. I never before realized that other authors have the same struggles I do;. It has been a couple of weeks since I truly delved into my book. I know where it is going and how it will get there, I just haven't written it and this is why--I've been thinking about it all wrong.
Thank you Julie Berry for putting words to my feelings.#Julie Berry.
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