July 5, 2012

Sizzling Kiss Contest Entry

He pulled her in close and she banged into his hard chest. Not sure what possessed her she rose on her tip toes and kissed him hard on the lips. Although cold they sent a heat wave surging down to her toes. His tongue snacked out licking her eager lips turning her insides to hot lava. Opening her mouth she let him explore inside dueling with his brazen tongue. He pulled her closer deepening the kiss more causing a moan to escape from deep in her throat. With an abrupt push he stepped away. She gazed into wide teal eyes. Man she knew he had to be a good kisser but she never expected to be carried into a different orbit.

"What did we just do?" He stepped away from her but his eyes studied her lips as she licked them.

"We kissed, dummy."

"I know but why did you do that?"

"Why did you let me and more importantly why did you kiss me back?" Victoria wanted to do it again and never stop.

"You took me off guard. We were sharing our grief and we got carried away."

Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...