January 30, 2013


Good News!
Somebody loves me and I know who. My thanks go to the master author and Father of us all.
While polishing my WIP today, okay, it isn't really polishing yet, more of tightening and fixing, I came across the perfect place to make the fixes that I spoke of in my previous post. (The P. S. and P.P.S.) It was an easy fix that required only a good paragraph rather than the major rewrite I thought it would require!
So for the Beta Readers benefit...Merged and fixed through chapter 9. For those not my beta readers...lots of comments and things to fix but it is going well.

1 comment:

Donna K. Weaver said...

I love inspiration that comes like that. I was struggling with an issue in A Change of Plans and my hubby asked a simple question that made me go, "Oh, duh. Of course." lol

Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...