December 6, 2013

A Year to Remember

This is the year that I am so thankful for.
Two years later, I wondered if the day for the procedure would ever come. I've handled every "nay-sayer" as diplomatically as one struggling to retain cognitive functions possibly can, including not referring to "Huggins Applied Healing" by name. I know the protocol sounds like it couldn't possibly work, but I've read the research, albeit I promptly forgot most of the technical jargon. My memory often reminds me of the first admonition to consider heavy metal poisoning long before my diagnosis. They didn't have the facts and I cast it aside with all the other wild cures. Third time's the charm, or so the saying goes, that was when I listened, read and became informed.
I found a specialist and drove five hours one way often enough to know the traffic patterns. The amalgams were removed, the highest negatively charged at a time. I then took time to heal before the major surgery was done, without pain killers-- the removal of root canals. Special protocol was followed for those specialized dental visits.
Why is it that powerful forces don't want those living with auto-immune diseases to know the truth? The protocol, as farfetched as it may sound to some, has worked for me.
I've changed my eating habits including denying myself of favorite foods including but not limited to anything with gluten in it, oatmeal, fish, pork and the killer, I say that sarcastically, chocolate. Much of the dietary changes have come slowly over the years long before learning of Huggins and his protocol. After staying away from the specific food items for over a year, any little slip is painful enough to enforce total compliance. Eating right has only been my part of the recovery process in addition to refraining from the use of anything that contains aluminum, as in replacing pots and pans, avoiding antiperspirants--which means deodorants and daily showers, changing toothpaste brands and anything else I can bring myself to avoid. I will continue following the regime for as long as I choose to feel good.
 I'm proud to say that I have followed every specification of doctor's guidance, including one year of doing so little, I thought I might go stir-crazy. The guidelines were necessary in my case due to the heart meridian which the root canals sat on. That and my father, and his mother, both died of heart attacks at young ages.
(As a footnote to my story -- I now walk fifteen minutes everyday that my schedule allows with a goal of 30 minutes by the end of 2013. I have a future goal of walking for one hour each day and dancing without restrictions.)

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Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...