November 16, 2013

Dang that Stale Writing Week continues...

Stale Writing Tip: Day 4
Still stymied? Attend a writers group, or start one, and take care to compliment others on their writing. (It helps if you are honest here, but stretching the truth to help another feel good about their work is allowed in this case.)

November 15, 2013

Stale Writing Week Hump Day

Stale Writing Tip: Day 3

That quagmire still looking a bit cloudy? Warning: Day 3's cure is dangerous. Repeat Day 1 but with a different friend. Try chatting with a friend that is recovering from surgery. They need your brand of cheering up. Go for a longer walk with company. (If you choose to take your dog, make sure he/she is wearing his/her listening ears.) Now, try out that last scene with your dog or the friend you are walking with as the main character. (Not recommended if the scene was a sizzling sexy scene.)
---Local law enforcement may take steps in the later case and haul your butt/bottom/a--/tail/rump/posterior/derrière to the tank to cool off!

November 14, 2013

A Week of Stale Writing continues...

Stale Writing Tip: Day 2
So, you say talking with your friend didn't get you out of the quagmire of flat writing. Cure # 2 for day 2 and this one you may want to repeat after your first exposure to it.
Go walking with a friend. (The endorphins need more than your writing cave to bounce around in.)

November 13, 2013

A week of Stale Writing

Stale Writing Tip: Day 1
Let's face it writers, there are days that the muse didn't bother showing up for. Talk about a bad hair day! Stale writing makes even the worst hair day look good. There is a cure for those  bad and sometimes really bad days.
Warning: Try only one per day.
Talk with a friend about their problems. (This can be writing related but often it is not since writing is the center of your world, not theirs.)

November 12, 2013

                                  So excited!!!

The charm for Dark Days of Promise arrived today. Isn't it pretty?
The glare is bad but that must be in part because it is so shiny. That and I'm still learning to use the ipod.

Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...