May 7, 2016

Saturday Sampler - more Live, Love, Repeat

Thick and heavy darkness enshrouded Porsche. She tried to sit up. Excruciating pain burst from her neck to every extremity. She screamed in agony not knowing or caring if anyone heard her.

"Tre--" her mouth refused to form his name. Someone help me, she begged into the suffocating darkness. Terror took hold of her, cold and merciless. Indifferent to her needs. She shivered causing shattering shards of pain to dart through her. If only she could move. She tried again but her hands didn't respond to her thought to bring them to her mouth to blow warming breath on them. The chill enveloped her, sending her body into spasms of shivers and knives of pain. Stop shivering, she told herself but her body didn't obey her command. Torturing agony coursed through her. She retreated into the darkness that haunted her.

May 5, 2016

I've always wondered how someone got a ♪ to show up on what they were typing... so now I know alt key and 1 3. And all these others. Just press the ALT key and then the number on the keypad to the right.
™ is the 0153
© is the 0169
® is the 0174
° is the 0176
± is the 0177
¶ is the 0182
¾ is the 0190
× is the 0215
¢ is the 0162
¡ is the 0161
¿ is the 0191
☺ is the 1
☻ is the 2
☼ is the 15
♀ is the 12
♂ is the 11

Pretty cool huh? there are more.
♠ is the 6
♣ is the 5
♥ is the 3
♦ is the 4
♫ is the 14
√ is the 251
↑ is the 24
↓ is the 25
→is the 26
← is the 27
↕ is the 18
↔ is the 29

There are a couple more that don't work on my computer. they are:
Nary summation which is 8721
and infinity which is 8236
Try these out for yourself! You'll at least have a little fun!

Oh My!

Oh my, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything here. Really, I do this now because I recently got a note, if you can call it...