I'm a happily married woman.
Or so I thought.
What happened to those fun things, no, those crazy things I used to do?
Like climbing trees to read a good book?
An unsuspecting tree, this tree has made me ask myself these questions and a few more. I recently moved my desk so that I could glance outside while I work. This tree sits dead center in my view. Look at that crotch! Man! IF I were a few years younger (and not afraid of falling to break something I might need -- like my butt.) IF the tree didn't look so inviting - I don't mind sharing with the birds, squirrels and racoons. IF I weren't so darn practical. IF I had a good book to read, oh wait, I have a Kindle stocked with books. IF I had the time to be a kid again.
That's it...if I were a kid again the excuses wouldn't stop me, not the spiders, the ants, or the scratches I would no doubt earn as I climb. Oh wait! I remember why I stopped climbing trees. It's that stomach racing to my throat as I glance down and try to figure out how to get down...without the broken bones. Yea, and I stopped climbing when the memory became ingrained. Over time I forgot the joys of being young.
But hey, there's always tomorrow and the property managers promise to cut the tree down.
Sorry tree. I hate the fact that you block most of the sunlight coming through my windows. I do love your beauty and the little critters that scamper in your branches. I hate the seed packets that get tracked into the house. How will I feel as the seasons change? I wonder. How will they bring you down without smashing the fence or building? Will the neighboring trees miss you?
How come the tree is coming down?
So you're not happily married anymore? ;)
Yeah, fear of falling would keep me out of a tree. At my age it's just too hard to heal. lol
I live in a desert. We don't have too many trees, but I climbed trees when I was a kid--once, before my brother broke his arm falling from one. Yeah...
The tree encroaches the property and the crotches make it suseptable to damage from ice and snow. We lost a lot of trees this past winter and this tree could take out more than one residence if we have a repeat winter.
And donna, I am hppy in my marriage, very. Got your attention though didn't I?
Climbing trees and broken limbs, yeah, gut wrench!
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